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Welcome to the Discipline School for adults who struggle with various behavioral issues. Whether you frequently procrastinate, exhibit poor manners, lack respect for others, maintain unhealthy eating habits, overspend, indulge in pornography addiction, engage in infidelity or theft, consistently run late, or find yourself addicted to social media – if any of these resonate with you and you answer yes to any of these questions – it’s high time you consider enrolling at our esteemed institution.

We offer in-person and online options to accommodate all individuals seeking discipline and personal growth.

Here at Discipline School, we passionately believe that discipline serves as the bridge connecting goals and achievements. We employ a variety of consequences for individuals who fail to obey the rules, ranging from writing lines and essays to implementing corporal punishment. Laziness, rudeness, and disrespect will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

With numerous years of experience in instructing and instilling discipline in our students, we have honed our expertise.  Over the years, we have assisted numerous students in achieving results they never believed were attainable.

Enrollment Criteria

The Discipline School welcomes individuals of all backgrounds. In order to qualify for enrollment, applicants must be at least 25 years old and showcase a strong dedication to attending lessons and achieving their personal goals. Throughout the years, we have assisted numerous students in surpassing their own expectations and achieving remarkable results they never believed possible.